Here's just a few examples of the veterans and families we've helped.
airman j.
Senior Airman J. is the father of three young children. He sustained a severe knee injury due to an IED while deployed to Iraq. Airman J. recently underwent knee surgery and was unable to work. The VA did not provide the convalescent benefit he should have received. With less than $800.00 a month to live on, the FWSF has provided $4036.00 in assistance for rent, utilities, and car insurance while Airman J. has been unable to work.
““I also wanted to truly thank you again for the aid you gave me last month it was way beyond expected and so greatly helpful that it still brings tears to my eyes.””
Army Specialist B.
Army Specialist B. deployed twice to Iraq and once to Afghanistan with the Infantry. After coming home he struggled for several years with employment due to the severity of his PTSD. He had participated in several of the VA’s treatment programs. All of his time was taken up pursuing his VA claim and undergoing treatment. He had no income. He was eventually awarded 70% by the VA for which he received $1170.00/month. He was able to sustain employment until be began experiencing a great deal of pain - shrapnel was discovered near his pancreas which required emergency surgery. He also had symptoms of an infection likely related to burn pit exposure while deployed. Over the two year period Mr. B was dealing with his service connected injuries and illnesses the FWSF provided $19,301.00 - funds which prevented eviction, kept his utilities on, prevented repossession of his car and kept him and his family from going hungry. Mr. B is still appealing the VA’s denial of some of his service connected illnesses.
“Thank you Lynn, once again the Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Fund saved us from going under.”
Sgt. E., father to five, spent seven years in the Army as a Unit Supply Spc., deploying to both Iraq and Afghanistan, before being medically retired for breathing issues that developed while he was deployed. Sgt. E quickly became debilitated in the winter of 2016, losing his civilian job. He required ICU stays and highly specialized treatment at the Cleveland Clinic for neurosarcoidosis. His symptoms have included blood clots in his lungs and heart, degenerative disc disease, chronic migraines, lung infections and brain lesions. He became unable to walk. He has undergone radiation, chemo therapy, treatment for recurrent lung infections and numerous surgeries. He was declared unemployable in July of 2017. In January 2018 the VA awarded Sgt. E a 100% rating with monthly compensation of $3500.00. His basic monthly living expenses are $4200.00. He continues to need to travel to Cleveland for his care. Since November of 2016, the FWSF has assisted with $37,000,00 for mortgage, utilities, medical travel, furnace repairs, car insurance, appliance replacements, children’s glasses and food. Sgt. E has several children with chronic medical conditions he needs outside assistance with.
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The Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Fund has been designated a Great Nonprofit 4 years in a row.